Well, we received the call from the doctor yesterday letting us know that all the required tests for Elsie's HIV were negative! So we were told she no longer needed her medication, and wouldn't need to follow up until she is 4 months old. At this time, and again at 1 year old, we will have the same test done again at the doctor's request. However, they felt the diagnosis (or lack of one) was sure enough that meds are no longer necessary.
We are happy to finally get a good look at Elsie's personality. In the last 24+ hours that she has been without medicine, she has become instantly more alert. She looks around and focuses more on people and objects, and her huge brown eyes are SO gorgeous. (I guess you can see that from the picture above. It was taken on Easter Sunday.) Anyway, some of you have heard the good news already, but for those of you who had not, here's your update! We still ask for your prayers for our family. Jason and I are two sinful, selfish, impatient people who are trying to "train up" 4 sinful kids. That mix will always require prayer!