Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Moving on to the next step...

I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday. We weren't able to see our families on Thanksgiving, but had a good time with good friends.

We are so happy to tell you that our home study has been approved! Of course there are still many things to do, and periods of indefinite waiting, but this is one more box checked on our to-do list.

Our next step is to request permission to adopt from the Department of Homeland Security. I have the paperwork filled out already, so as soon as our official copies of the home study arrive, that request will be in the mail. This next step can take anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks. It is not until we have this approval from our country that we can send our dossier to China. So now we wait.

Miranda said the other day, "Mom, I'm glad we have school to keep us busy and to keep our minds off of the adoption. I think I would go crazy having to wait so long otherwise." I agree!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

How You Can Help!

"I would love to adopt, but we could never afford it."

This is one of the statements we've heard many times, and we've even said it ourselves. In reality, very few people have a spare $30,000+ just sitting in a bank account. We sure don't. But we began this process in faith that the Lord would provide what was needed to bring one of his 'fatherless' children home. In the last couple of months, we've had some of you inquire about ways you can help, and that is what this post is about.

The girls and I have been sewing over these last few weeks and are finally ready to begin our first fundraiser! These hooded towels are great for babies and younger children since they are much larger than the baby towels you find in the stores. You can find more colors, dimensions, personalization information, and ordering instructions by clicking on our "Fundraiser" tab at the top of this page.

For those of you who have no need for the towels, but would still like to help, we are partnering with adopttogether.org to accept tax-deductible donations. You'll find a donate button at the top right of our blog. If you follow this link, you'll be able to see our story, a list of fees we have been or will be charged, as well as where we are in reaching our goal.

We know there are some who cannot afford to help financially. That's ok. You can still be a part of bringing our daughter home by praying with us on a daily basis that God will provide what is needed. Pray that government officials, both from the American and Chinese government, will be motivated to keep our paperwork moving. We pray every day for our little girl's safety and for the Lord to bring her comfort, though she may not know anything about Him yet. Join us in these prayers.

You can also help get the word out about our adoption by sharing these links and posts with friends on social media. We want to encourage others that adoption is possible!

Finally, we have decided to have some fun as we hit certain financial milestones. Our first milestone is $5,000 in donations, and when we reach this milestone, the girls will do their best to make Jason as pretty as possible. This will include the use of any makeup and accessories that they think are necessary, AND of course there will be a video of this posted online for your enjoyment.

Monday, November 21, 2016

What do the kids think?

So Mom and Dad want to adopt, and we have shared our heart behind it. But what do the kids think? Are they truly supportive of our decision, or are they just going along with it because that’s what Mom and Dad want to do?

As a mom, I have been so excited to watch each of our children, excluding Gwynneth of course, get behind this adoption in ways we never expected. Before Jason and I made our decision, we talked with the kids first to get their thoughts on this. We know that bringing another child into our family makes things tighter financially, and also takes up more of mom and dad’s free time. With their mouths, they affirmed that they truly did want to move ahead with adoption.

The biggest blessing we’ve observed though, is how the kids’ actions have backed up their words. I don’t say any of the following to boast in my childrens’ accomplishments, but simply to boast in how the Lord is working in their tender hearts. My prayer for my children is that they will bring God glory, in the biggest way possible for them, where they are right now.

When we began the adoption process, we froze all unnecessary spending. Of course we take care of our necessities, but outside of those all other purchases have been put on hold. No trips to the zoo. No more eating out. No impulse purchases on clothing or toys. There has been no complaining from the kids, and most of the time it is them reminding each other, “No, we’re saving money for the adoption, remember?” Miranda and I even talked recently about how easy it is NOT to spend money on things we don’t need when we remember there is a little girl waiting for us in China!

Another example is when Grant came to us willing to sacrifice playing Upwards basketball this year, because he knew that we could use that money to bring his sister home. (I love how the Lord blessed his willing heart. Someone else stepped in and paid for him to play!) We’ve had kids empty their piggy banks in our adoption change jar (in spite of our attempts to make them keep their money). The girls have sacrificed their free time to help me sew items for our upcoming fundraiser. All the kids have pitched in with chores and extra jobs around the house to give me more time to get paperwork done. Miranda is talking about doing a baking project so she can raise a little money herself. They have decided that the best Christmas present they could ever receive is their new sister, so we have opted to skip buying gifts this year. This adoption has even motivated the kids to keep steady, or even work ahead a bit in school so they are finished by the time we return from China with our new daughter. They want to be able to devote as much time as possible to helping her adjust and bridge the language gap.

As I mentioned earlier, my goal in this post is not to make the kids look good, because we know we all have flaws. I simply want to share how the Lord is working in our family. While some of these sacrifices could cause frustration and resentment, I am grateful up to this point they have only brought our family together in unity. As a momma, it is amazing to watch our family unite and work together to reach a common goal.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Homestudy Nearing Completion

Yes, we are approximately 2 weeks away from having our completed homestudy, and we could not be more thrilled. Cindy has done such an amazing job of completing form after form. We received our first draft of the finished study this week, approved it, and sent it on for final approvals. We started this process on September 28th, and God has been blessing already. We are approximately one month ahead of schedule and are excited to see how He continues to move.

We are asked all the time, “How long until your daughter can come home?” That question is hard to answer because there is so much of the process that we can’t complete until the previous step is completed. Here is a timeline of how long it takes based on the agency’s experience, and Cindy has broken down the approximate dates based on our initial application. Pray that God will continue to help us beat these estimated dates. We are ready to have our daughter home with us.


Once our homestudy is finalized, our next step is to begin filling out grant applications. We are praying for the Lord to provide what we need financially and are trusting Him to complete this adoption in His timing. We have also been working on a fundraiser to give some of you a chance to help--we’ll reveal that very soon!  

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


When I started thinking about putting this post “on paper,” I felt a little strange. I mean, people don’t usually get to “choose” their children. And with so many children waiting to find homes, it is hard to select just one. Deep in my heart as I looked at bunches of little faces, known only to me by a tiny little snapshot and a short paragraph of generic information, I wanted to provide a home for all of them! Knowing that would be impossible, my heart was moved by the picture of our future daughter.

I am fully convinced, without a doubt, that the Holy Spirit has orchestrated every detail up to this point in our adoption process. When we had our first conversation about adopting again, neither Jason nor I thought we would move so fast. But we were open to the Spirit. So at every new decision point, or every new piece of information, we moved. We cannot look a year down the road and see everything mapped out perfectly, but we are at peace following the Spirit’s leading today.

I began the process learning as much as I could, asking tons of questions (Thanks, Rebekah!), and trying to be as informed as possible. I also began the process with stipulations in my own mind. I told Jason and the kids that I wanted to adopt a child that was Elsie’s age or younger. I also looked specifically for a boy since Grant has asked for a roommate many times. In the day or two after I looked through the list of pictures, one face kept coming back to my mind. What little I knew about her life story kept creeping into my thought process. I could only think about the possibility that this girl was abandoned because she looked different. Though she was not a boy, and though she was older than I had anticipated, the Lord opened my heart for her. I want this Chinese girl, with light skin and blonde hair, to know the unconditional love and acceptance of a forever family.

Anyone who knows me, knows I have trouble making decisions sometimes, especially decisions that carry so much weight. Through the events that happened in those initial first days, the Lord gave me confidence in our next steps. He put us in a situation where we needed to act quickly, and at the same time confirmed answers to a bunch of little decisions we would have to make. I am very much looking forward to seeing how the Lord brings things together. Though I would rush to China this very minute and sweep our girl away if I could, I know I’ve got to be patient as the Lord works out the details for His glory.