Friday, May 26, 2017

Is it packing time already?

Well, probably not, but I can't help setting aside certain things we know we will need on our trip. It is recommended that we pack melatonin since we'll be on a completely opposite day/night schedule. We're also encouraged to begin now eating (or taking) a probiotic every day to make our insides as strong as they can be before encountering so many new things. I'm also thinking ahead to our daughter's needs with sunscreen, sunglasses, hats, etc. Her albinism causes sensitivity to sun and bright light. And as far as we know they will come to us with only what they're wearing.

Do you know how difficult it is to guess what size clothing a child wears just from a picture? That's what I am attempting to do. The fact that I have a few children already helps by giving me reference points--Our new son is definitely smaller than Grant, so I'm guess he wears 7/8. I'll pack a few 5/6 and 10/12 things just in case I guessed wrong. I'm assuming our new daughter will be about the same size as Clare. I'm pretty confident that she will wear 10/12, but I'll pack a few things on either side. And we'll be in larger cities in China, which means I'll be able to find clothing stores there to supplement what I take.

So yes, I can't help making a pile of things I'll be taking with us, though I haven't put anything in a suitcase yet. I'm consulting packing lists from previous travelers to make sure I am prepared. We are still on track to travel in the next 4 to 6 weeks so we're getting pretty excited!

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