Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Another Orphan Has a Home!

Today, as we sit here waiting for our TA (travel approval), I am so excited for our local friends who are on a plane to China right now! They have been in the adoption process longer than we have, so I know they are glad to finally be traveling to pick up their son. Knowing how much we will appreciate your prayers, I wanted to share their story so you can join us in praying for them. We've enjoyed making a few new friends as a result of this adoption!

As for us, we're almost there! We should be able to announce our travel dates within a week.

Here's the link for the video.
The Young Family is Adopting from China!

1 comment:

  1. Great story! Glad to hear travel plans are real soon.
    Praying for you all. Love u!
