We are aware this blog went quiet upon our return home from
China. There are several reasons for that. We hardly ever stop these days!
School and doctor appointments, grocery shopping and Upwards basketball, church
ministry and being with friends, therapy exercises and settling sibling
disputes, garden preparation and house maintenance. Please don’t hear me
complaining—I love our life! It is just hard to fit in writing time for this
blog between all those things.
Also, it is one thing to speculate beforehand what our new
children will be like, but it is another to give true life details about them
on a public blog. We want to respect them and not share things that would be
hurtful to them as they get older.
Finally, adoption is hard. Anyone who has ever adopted knows
there are difficult challenges to face for the children, for the parents, and
for any other siblings involved. And these challenges are not the same for
every family. We often think of adoption stories as fairy tales, and while
there is good that comes from adoption, there is also pain as things change and
as the new family bonds together. As I look daily at all the little faces
waiting to find a forever home, I hesitate to share the bad with the good
because I don’t want to discourage someone else from pursuing adoption.
But today, my post is good news! It’s an update of sorts.
Today our son is hearing like he’s never heard before! Back in January, Steven
was diagnosed with moderate to moderately severe hearing loss in both ears.
After following the process of ENT appointments, hearing tests, and fittings,
today he had his “new ears” put in. He even got to pick his favorite color--orange--for the inner ears. I am so happy watching him walk around and
discover new sounds. There was a baby at a table near us during lunch. His eyes
lit up and he said, “Baby crying!” He also noticed the timers beeping in the
Chick Fila kitchen. Right now, he has his hands on his hips, looking at the
bird cage saying, “Birdie, really?!?” If you’ve been to our house, you know
these birds sometimes get on a roll and won’t be quiet!
With all this new hearing, it seems there will be lots of
talking as well. I think he’s talked more in the last couple of hours than he
has in the 8 months since being home! It is a huge leap of progress that he is
trying so hard to communicate. It is so fun to be a part of this new learning
process and to see him growing in his abilities.
We may not update often, but we want you to know we are
truly grateful for all the ways you participated in helping us bring our new
children home. Though we have had our share of challenges, the Lord has blessed
us more than we can ever share. We give all glory to Him for being with us
every step of this journey.
So happy for this news!!! And that picture of Steven is just priceless with that smile. Love you all!